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Top 3 Tips for Getting Your Refrigerator Repaired


Appliances are one of those things people take for granted. We go about our day, not realizing how they make our live so much easier. When you wake up in the morning you probably turn on the coffee maker and make yourself some breakfast on your stovetop, oven, or microwave. When you come home from work, you might do a load of laundry while you prepare dinner with food kept fresh in your refrigerator. Then after supper is done, you load up the dishwasher and forget about it. And these are just some of the basic home appliances we have that make our lives much easier and gives us more time to spend with loved ones.

While dishwashers, microwaves, even ovens are appliances some people can live without, the refrigerator is definitely one of those appliances that are a must for many people. This appliance allows us to keep food from spoiling, but if you think about it, what it really does is that it saves you time, money and effort. With a refrigerator at home, you don’t have to drive around and use up gas to buy food everyday. Like most people, you would take a once a week trip to the supermarket, get everything you needed and store perishables in your fridge. If you didn’t have a refrigerator, that meant you need to consume all your food as soon as you bought it. You would have to buy staples like bread and milk, consume it at once before it spoils, and then go back to the store the next day and buy more. Also, the fridge allows you to store leftovers, whether from a meal out or one you make yourself, and eat it another day, rather than spending more money and food.

Try living without a fridge – or maybe you already have if you’ve experienced having a power outage or your refrigerator breaking down. That’s why it’s important you always have a reliable appliance repair service to call on when this happens. Even one day without a fridge could put a crimp on your plans and your budget – imagine having to eat all your food in a few hours to prevent it from spoiling, when you meant to keep it for at least a week or two.

So, if your fridge does break down (or even if it doesn’t and you want to make sure you a have a good appliance repair tech’s phone number on-hand), and you need repairs right away, consider these 3 tips for getting your refrigerator repaired.


Tip# 1: Call Someone Local

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s important you get someone local in your area, for many reasons. First, you want them to come right away! If you’re too far away, it will take your appliance repair person too long to come to you or they may find it too much trouble to drive over and end up cancelling. Next, you also want someone who understands your local area. For example, places like Daly City or San Francisco have high humidity almost year-round. A local repair person who has experience dealing with such conditions will be able to diagnose common problems right away. And finally, one of the reasons you should go local is to support your community. Many appliance repair technicians are independent business owners, not big corporations. These are mom-and-pop operations and you know that when you pay them, your money goes to their own pockets, to their families, and any taxes go to your city or township to pay for roads, education, and services.

Tip #2 Research the Appliance Repair Technician’s Reputation

The next tip is about doing the necessary legwork to vet your technician. You might actually want to start your search for a good technician by asking your friends and family members for recommendations. They might already know someone in your local area who does a good job and they can vouch for. If not, then use technology to your advantage. These days, there’s really no excuse not to arm yourselves with the right knowledge. Most, if not all of us, carry around smartphones in our pocket, which has 10 times the power of computers that first sent people to the moon! Use the Internet to find reviews of technicians you want to hire. Sites like Yelp! Google and now even Facebook has reviews of services in local areas. See if you can find your potential refrigerator repair technician online and see what people have to say.

Also, don’t forget traditional sources of business reputation information (which are also online), like the Better Business Bureau and local chapters of professional associations. They may also give you advice on who to hire.

Tip #3 Choose a Technician Who Will Explain the Problem and Repair Process

Obviously, if you’re calling an appliance repair technician, then you probably don’t know what’s wrong with your refrigerator or how to fix it. However, you don’t want to be kept in the dark about what’s wrong with your refrigerator. A good appliance repair person should be able to explain why your fridge broke down and how they plan to repair it, so you know you’re not being overcharged.

Aside from that, you may want to know so that you can prevent the problem in the future. Also, a good technician should be able to give you advice if it would make sense to fix the problem or buy a new fridge. There are many things to consider, after all – will the problem reoccur, will it cost more over the long run to keep fixing your refrigerator or would buying a new, more efficient model make more sense? All of these are questions you need to consider when making the decision to repair a faulty appliance and a good technician will be able to guide you properly.


Refrigerators are probably the one type of appliance that most people can’t live without. That’s why when your refrigerator conks out, you need to make sure you can get it repaired by a qualified technician. Even if you have yet to have your fridge break down, it’s always good to have the number of a good appliance repair person handy. That way, if and when that does happen, then you can be rest assured that your fridge can be fixed properly and quickly.

Posted in Appliance Repiar