Dryer Repair
Dryer Repair Accidents You Don’t Want Experience
Do-it-yourself dryer repair can save you hundreds of dollars. Often, the dryer repair needed may be as simple as cleaning out the filter or you may just need to reset it. However, if you know nothing about dryer repair or have no experience in dryer repair, perhaps it’s best to leave it to the pros. Here are some dryer repair accidents you don’t want happening in your home. Electrocutions
Perhaps one of the most common dryer repair (or any appliance) accident is caused by not unplugging the machine first. Before you even poke around the machine, make sure it is unplugged. Also, if the wiring is faulty – if it’s too old or if pets or rodents chewed the wired, you may need more than just a dryer repair technician. A dryer takes us a lot of energy, so make sure you don’t overload your wall socket with other appliances when running your dryer. Fires
Believe it or not, on a yearly basis, US Fire departments respond to about 17,700 fires that are caused by dryers. Having your machine checked by a dryer repair technician will prevent your dryer from causing fires. Often, a malfunction is cause by blocked vents, and a dryer repair professional should be able to help you fix the problem or prevent it from happening. Mechanical injuries
A dryer is a machine that has moving parts, so mechanical injuries are likely, even if you are a dryer repair pro. As mentioned, unplugging the machine before your start is a good idea, though that is just one part of preventing injuries. A trained professional knows the machine inside and out, and how to best protect themselves from injuries, while amateurs may risk injuring themselves and losing fingers or other limbs. Also, if you don’t know which parts you should avoid touching, you can also risk burning yourself of hot mechanical parts. A good dryer repair professional will have the right tools and safety equipment to protect themselves. Further Breakdown
DIY dryer repair can actually cause bigger problems. Sometimes you want to save yourself some money and do the dryer repair yourself – but it doesn’t work out all the time. Oftentimes, a well-meaning homeowner will turn a small problem into a major situation, and what could have been avoided by called a professional dryer repair person in the first place. If you’ve done what you can – removed the lint, made sure the wires are ok, removed blockages from the vent – and your machine still won’t work, then have a trained dryer repair technician take a look. You may end up saving yourself of having to buy a new one, by just investing in a professional dryer repair service.