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Top 5 Tips When Hiring an Appliance Repair Technician

Our home appliances certainly have made our lives easier. In fact, it’s hard to imagine what our lives would be like without these modern conveniences. For one thing, we all (especially homemakers) wouldn’t be able to do much else aside from cooking and cleaning. Making any meal would be a production, as you would have to chop wood for the stove and start a fire before you could even start to boil some water. Clothes wouldn’t get so clean quickly – it would take at least half a day to haul water to a tub, wash a large pile of dirty clothes, and then hang them up to dry one by one. Don’t even get us started on dishes – scrubbing and scouring pots doesn’t sound like something anyone would want to do in their free time.

Indeed, our appliances afford us a lot of luxury and time to pursue passions and hobbies, and spend quality time with loved ones. That’s why it can be really annoying and even frustrating when our appliances break down. Of course, it’s not very practical to just replace every single home appliance that breaks down (not to mention, not really environmentally-friendly). When this happens, you need to call an expert repair technician.

However, as the saying goes, “good help is hard to find” and appliance repair techs are no different. You’ve probably heard all about the bad ones, but don’t be alarmed – for every awful appliance repair story you’ve heard, there are dozens or even hundreds more that are positive. Still, how can you find a reliable appliance repair technician? Read this tips and follow them, so you can find a professional who can fix your broken appliances.

1) Review or Ask About Their Previous Experiences

While certifications and licenses are certainly necessary to run a repair business, that’s not the only thing that matters when searching for a repair tech. You’ll also want to know about the technician’s experience. You’ll have to research or ask them about how long they’ve been in business, what areas they have serviced in the past, and of course, about any references they can give you. A reliable repair person won’t hesitate to give you references, so make sure to follow up and actually call them.

Sure, everyone has to start somewhere, and if you really want to give someone a chance to gain some experience, go ahead (and you might be able to save a few bucks). But be warned, an inexperienced repair person might not have all the years of repair under their belt and when faced with something unusual, they might not be able to quickly diagnose and fix the problem.

2) Ask About Guarantees and Warrantees

A reliable appliance repair technician should be able to stand behind his or her work. Many of the better ones will even offer guarantee or warrantee periods – meaning that if after a short period of time their repair job doesn’t hold up, he or she will come back to fix it right away for free. In this day and age, it might be more difficult to find such a service, but mostly it’s because repair companies won’t offer it outright – you have to ask. So, when you do talk to your repair company, ask them if they offer such a service.

In many cases, if the problem was misdiagnosed or the repair simple wasn’t done properly, many good technicians will come back and re-do the repair. After all, their reputations are at stake and they want to make sure you’ll be a happy (and returning) customer.

3) Know When Choose a Specialist

Some repair techs have a more generic knowledge of appliances, while others may specialize in certain types of brands of repair. Both types of repair techs or companies can offer benefits. For example, a general repair technician may have a more broader knowledge and might be able to offer a better price. However, if you have a particularly expensive piece of equipment or perhaps you’ve exhausted all DIY repair options, then it’s time to call a specialist. Also, check the brand of your appliance – some brands may require that you call a licensed or specialized repair technician or else you might risk voiding your warranty. Also, if you run a business, like a restaurant or Laundromat, then you should definitely call a specialist.

4) Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for a Discount – for Next Time

It really doesn’t hurt to ask for a discount, even from your appliance repair technician. Sure, they might get asked that a lot, but you never know. Of course, you’ll have to think of a reason why they should give you a discount. So, why not ask for a discount for the next repair? If you like them enough that you thinking you’ll call them back, ask them for a discount. Since you’re giving them repeat business, many repair techs will be happy to give you a discount or even an extra service for their next trip.

5) Learn About Their Background

As long as your appliances get fixed, you shouldn’t really care about the company or the technician, right? While some people may feel this way, learning about a company or a person can help you find out more about them and reveal a few things. For example, you might find out if an appliance repair company is stable or not. Or, maybe you want to see if the business is locally owned or if your repair tech lives in the area, that way, you know you’re also helping your community by supporting the businesses around you.

Finding an Appliance Repair Technician in Your Area

The appliance repair business is thriving and if you live in a large metro area or even a medium-sized community, you may be able to find a lot of options when it comes to appliance repair. Finding the one or two technicians or companies who can meet your needs may seem like trying to locate a needle in a haystack, but it’s worth it. It’s nice to know that when your washing machine conks out or your refrigerator suddenly stops working, you’ll have a reliable appliance repair technician on speed dial.

Posted in Appliance Repiar